Chapter 3  Tokyo

Ozu Yasujiro the sentimental - file 19

Nostalgia-② The deep sadness and disappointment of leaving Tokyo seems to have eased somewhat by the time Ozu writes “Early Summer”, when he was 47 years old. In “Early Summer”, Kenkichi (Nihonyanagi Hiroshi), a doctor at a university hosp…

Ozu Yasujiro the sentimental - file 18

Nostalgia-① For Ozu, who was born in Fukagawa, Tokyo, having to live in a rural town for 10 years during his youth had a great impact on his outlook on life. Ozu left Tokyo when he was nine years old, and by that age the sights and friends…

Ozu Yasujiro the sentimental - file 17

Kamata Nonsense On September 1, 1923, the Great Kanto Earthquake struck Tokyo and Yokohama. Kamata studio was also affected by the disaster, so the studio's staff, including Nomura Hotei, temporarily evacuated to Shimokamo studio in Kyoto.…

Ozu Yasujiro the sentimental - file 16

Training In December of the year he joined the studio, Ozu, who was 20 years old and had a strong physique like that of a boxer or wrestler, took the military draft test and passed. He became a soldier classified-Koh (a person judged to be…

Ozu Yasujiro the sentimental - file 15

Chapter 3 Tokyo Bumpkin In the spring of 1923, Ozu returned to Tokyo for the first time in 10 years and joined Shochiku Kamata studio on August 1st of that year. According to “Shochiku 80 Year History”, Shochiku was originally the promoter…